(index)= # Dataset API Documentation ```{attention} ## Got redirected? Requests to `https://dataset.api.hub.zamg.ac.at/v1/docs` redirect here. Please read the information about changes in regards to this new URL in the [Changelog](changelog-20230718-geosphere). ``` This is the documentation for the API that provides access to several datasets of GeoSphere Austria. :::{toctree} :name: mastertoc :maxdepth: 2 self getting-started user-guide/index changelog ::: ## Feedback If you are facing issues with the API or if you have suggestions, please open a new issue on [Github](https://github.com/Geosphere-Austria/dataset-api-docs). If your request better fits in an e-mail, please contact **datahub.feedback@geosphere.at** ## License All data that is publicly accessible without authentication is licensed under under {{LICENSE}}. ## Changes See {ref}`changelog` for changes to both the API itself and the datasets provided. If you have an application that uses this API, please watch [https://github.com/Geosphere-Austria/dataset-api-docs](https://github.com/Geosphere-Austria/dataset-api-docs), where we try to be proactive about upcoming changes. % - {ref}`genindex` % - {ref}`modindex` % - {ref}`search`