(endpoints)= # Endpoints :::{tip} If you prefer to use Swagger to understand the API capabilities, see {{"[OpenAPI docs]({})".format(API_OPENAPI_DOCS)}}. ::: ## Listing Datasets All available dataset endpoints are listed in {{"[{}]({})".format(API_DATASETS, API_DATASETS)}}. ## Dataset Endpoint Structure. An dataset endpoint consists of five parts: - a host - a version - a type - a mode - and a resource_id and are put together like this //// where :``: is {{"`{}`".format(BASE_URL)}} :``: is `v1` :``: is either `grid`, `timeseries` or `station`, see {ref}`types` :``: is either `historical`, `current`, or `forecast`, see {ref}`modes` :``: is one of the resources listed in {ref}`resources`. :::{note} The host {{"`{}`".format(LEGACY_BASE_URL)}} is deprecated. ::: :::{tip} The resource determines the available types and mode. ::: For example weather stations will always have the *station* type. :::{tip} Some API parameters are mode and type specific. ::: ## Metadata All dataset endpoints have __metadata__ which can be requested by appending `/metadata` to the dataset endpoint. Metadata contain amongst other helpful information about the request parameters like the range of allowed values.