(request_limit)= # Request Limit Requests are limited at the rate at which requests can be sent and in the size of the data is requested. (request_rate_limit)= ## Request Rate Limit A users requests are limited to `5 requests per second` and `240 requests per hour`. You can also check the response header for the rate limit, the remaining number of requests until that limit is hit and the duration until the rate limit is reset: * `x-ratelimit-limit-hour` the hourly rate limit, * `x-ratelimit-limit-second` the rate limit per second, * `x-ratelimit-remaining-second` the remaining requests per second * `x-ratelimit-remaining-hour` the remaining requests per second, * `ratelimit-reset` seconds until the rate limit is reset. The server responses with status code 429 when the rate limit is exceeded. (request_size_limit)= ## Request Size Limit A request size limit is enforced. When the request format is `JSON` or `CSV` the limit is {{JSON_LIMIT}} values, when requesting NetCDF files the limit is {{FILE_LIMIT}} values. The request size is calculated by `# parameters` * `# time steps` * `# locations`. __Examples__ * Given a data source with 15 minute temporal resolution the request for 2 parameters for a 6-hour interval from 3 stations will result in a request size of ``` 2 * (6 * 4) * 3 = 144 ``` * Given a data source with 1 hour temporal resolution and 1 by 1 km spatial resolution the request for 12 parameters for a 24-hour interval on a 6 * 8 km grid results in a request size of ``` 12 * 24 * (6 * 8) = 13824 ``` :::{note} The request size is calculated before the request is processed. ::: Because the request size is calculated before the request is processed missing values are included in the calculation count. Therefore, a request may hit the request size limit even if no values for the requested range exist. For example the request `v1/station/historical/tawes-v1-10min?station_ids=11072¶meters=TL¶meters=TLMIN¶meters=TLMAX&start=1990-01-01&end=2000-01-01` requesting multiple parameters for the 1990s for TAWES station `11072` (*Neusiedl am See*) will say the request is to big even if the station only went into service in 2016.